Sunday, April 22, 2012

Amazing Grace

Inspired by a project similar to this one this one that I can no longer find on Pinterest, I decided to give it a try.


Thin slats of Balsa wood (found at many DIY stores or retail craft departments)
Unfinished wooden letters spelling "Amazing Grace"
Permanent adhesive
Spray paint

The slats of Balsa wood I used were long, so I carefully (and temporarily) arranged the letters how I liked and cut down the Balsa wood to fit.  **As seen in the picture of the aforementioned link, I suggest arranging "Amazing" vertically and "Grace" horizontally, opposite of what I did!**

Once the Balsa wood was trimmed accordingly, I glue the two pieces together in the shape of a cross. Once secure, I spray-painted them using a textured paint.  Any paint of your liking will do.  Then, I scattered the letters on a cardboard box (worked better than newspaper) and spray-painted them with a differently-colored textured paint.

Once the paint dried on all pieces, I glued the finished letters to the cross and let it dry overnight.

To finalize the project, I glued a brown ribbon to the upper left and right corners of the back of the cross for hanging.  As you can see, this letter formation works fine.  As I mentioned before, though, I would rather have had the words switched with "Amazing" running vertically and "Grace" horizontally.

I made three of these as Christmas gifts for family and I received many, many compliments on them!

Tip:  The right side of the cross was a little heavier than left because of the letter placement and caused the cross to hang lopsided.  An easy fix was to glue pennies to the back of the left side until it was weighted enough to hang evenly.  This should not be an issue if "Grace" is horizontal, as the letters will be dispersed evenly.

(Note:  The link included in this post was a result of an image search using Google.  I do not own the website, nor do I intend to persuade purchase(s) or solicit any items for sale on their behalf.)

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